Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Do Air Purifiers Relieve Allergy Symptoms?

If you suffer from allergies, the chances are pretty good that you have searched for ways to keep them under control. Maybe you have even considered getting an allergy air purifier, but just was not sure it would work for you. So here is a little about air purifiers.

Air purifiers are generally small in size and are used to remove contaminates from the air. Most rely on air filters to capture and hold the contaminates, however technology has made it possible to have filter-less purifiers, instead they have thin metal sheets in them that use electricity to hold the contaminates.

So what are these contaminates that the air purifier catches? Well they can be anything from dust, dirt, cigarette smoke, dust mites to pet dander, mold and mildew.

No matter if filter-less air purifiers are used or ones with air filters, either way contaminates are being captured and are unable to reenter the air. Since air purifiers remove all of these irritants from the air, chances are they will work great for someone with allergies. In many cases, results can be noticed soon after turning on the machine.

Air purifiers for allergies, a good idea or a waste of money? For those who want to find relief to annoying allergy symptoms, an air purifier may be your best choice yet.

For more information on allergy relief click here.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The 30 Day Hub Challenge

This is just a quick post to inform others of Hubpages 30 Day Hub Challenge. What is this you ask? Well, the 30 day challenge can be done two different ways. The goal is to write either 30 hubs in 30 days or for the real daring, write 100 hubs in 30 days. 100 hubs in 30 days, wow that is crazy, I myself have decided to try the 30 hubs in 30 days challenge that seemed more my style.

There are no prizes for completing the challenge, the reward is the satisfaction that you either completed the challenge or gave it your best. If you are signed up with Google than you have the chance of earning from their ad sense program, but there is no guarantee. So for those of you who are interested in this challenge, go ahead to Hubpages, sign up if not a member already and get to writing, we have less than three weeks left.

Here are some of the hubs I have finished for the 30 Hub in 30 Days Challenge.

Arctic Fox: At Home in the Frigid Cold of the Arctic Circle
Do you Have Nail Fungus? How to Tell and What to Do!
6-Hour Power: Just One Shot is all it Takes

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Do You Know the Symptoms of a Food Allergy?

Food Allergy Symptoms

Hives is a pretty good indicator if you have eaten something you are allergic to. One of the most common symptoms of food allergies, hives are easy to see and simple enough to treat.

Swelling of the tongue and the throat is another symptoms of a food allergy. This symptom can be a lot scarier than hives and can make breathing difficult. If swelling occurs seeing a doctor is recommended.

Light headedness and or loss of consciousness can also be associated with a food allergy. If this either of these symptoms show, it is very important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Without proper medical help death could be the ending result.

The safest, easiest and the best way to determine if you have a food allergy is to simply make an appointment and see your doctor. Test can be tried to determine just what is causing the allergy and if needed medication can be prescribed.

For more information of allergies click here.

Friday, May 1, 2009

How to Deal With a Pet Allergy

Unfortunately, there are people who end up having allergies to their pets, and that can be a bummer. There are steps however, that can be taken to get relief from pet allergies, or just to keep them under control.

The first thing that needs to be taken care of, is you need to be sure that a pet allergy is what you really have. This can be done by seeing a doctor or trying at home experiments. When at home, see if your symptoms change when around a pet, if so what kind of pet is it, a dog or a cat? What are your symptoms, how bad are they, do they get worse. If this is the case, then chances are, you DO have a pet allergy.

If you choose to see a doctor and they determined your allergy is pet related, then they may prescribe a medication that will provide relief or, an over-the-counter medication may be recommended. There are also home and natural remedies that can be taken to assist with the issue.

A sure way to get rid of your pet allergies, is to get rid of the pet or pets causing the problem. This however, is not always an option, after all to many of us our pets are members of our family, they are like another child to us so getting rid of the dog or cat is out of the question. For cases like this, keep your pet out of your bed room, off the furniture, have another member of the house bathe the pet once or twice a month and vacuum often and with a good vacuum cleaner, there are many these days, that are designed for pet clean up.

If the allergic reaction occurs when at a friends or relatives house consider shortening your visit, chances are they will not get rid of their pet just for you. If staying over night, bring your own blankets or sleeping bag and pillow, if nice out bring a tent and sleep outside if the pet is an indoor pet.