Friday, May 1, 2009

How to Deal With a Pet Allergy

Unfortunately, there are people who end up having allergies to their pets, and that can be a bummer. There are steps however, that can be taken to get relief from pet allergies, or just to keep them under control.

The first thing that needs to be taken care of, is you need to be sure that a pet allergy is what you really have. This can be done by seeing a doctor or trying at home experiments. When at home, see if your symptoms change when around a pet, if so what kind of pet is it, a dog or a cat? What are your symptoms, how bad are they, do they get worse. If this is the case, then chances are, you DO have a pet allergy.

If you choose to see a doctor and they determined your allergy is pet related, then they may prescribe a medication that will provide relief or, an over-the-counter medication may be recommended. There are also home and natural remedies that can be taken to assist with the issue.

A sure way to get rid of your pet allergies, is to get rid of the pet or pets causing the problem. This however, is not always an option, after all to many of us our pets are members of our family, they are like another child to us so getting rid of the dog or cat is out of the question. For cases like this, keep your pet out of your bed room, off the furniture, have another member of the house bathe the pet once or twice a month and vacuum often and with a good vacuum cleaner, there are many these days, that are designed for pet clean up.

If the allergic reaction occurs when at a friends or relatives house consider shortening your visit, chances are they will not get rid of their pet just for you. If staying over night, bring your own blankets or sleeping bag and pillow, if nice out bring a tent and sleep outside if the pet is an indoor pet.

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